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Maher Zain - A'marona A'malona أعمارنا أعمالنا (Arabic Version + English Translation) Song Lyrics + Video

Song Lyric Maher Zain - A'marona A'malona أعمارنا أعمالنا (Arabic Version)

قبل منامي مرَّ ببالي وَحْيُ سؤال
لو أنّ لعمري ميزانًا، ما المكيال ؟
أيُقاسُ العمرُ بأيامٍ أَمْ أعوام ؟
فتأمّلتُ، جلستُ أفكّرُ فيما يُذكر حينَ يُقال

رَحِمَ الله فلان
كانَ و كانَ و كان
لن تُذكرَ إلاّ الأعمال

أعمارُنا أعمالُنا
و بها سَمَتْ أسماؤُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهنا..
أعمارُنا أعمالُنا
و بها سَمَتْ أسماؤُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهنا آثارُنا

لن أنتظرَ الفرصة َحتى ترأَفَ بي
بل أَصنعُها بالإصرارِ الملتهِبِ
لن أَقضيَ وقتي باللَّومِ و بالعَتَبِ
فكثيرٌ مرُّوا و قليلٌ ممَّن ذُكروا حينَ يُقال

رَحِمَ الله فلان
كانَ و كانَ و كان
لن تُذكرَ إلاّ الأعمال

أعمارُنا أعمالُنا
و بها سَمَتْ أسماؤُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهنا..
أعمارُنا أعمالُنا
و بها سَمَتْ أسماؤُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهنا آثارُنا

أعمارُنا أعمالُنا

ما أجملَ أن تحيا عمرًا غالٍ و ثمينْ
بعطائِكَ تَسْمو أيّامُكَ تَزْدانُ سنينْ
لا تَسَلْ الأيامَ متى أبدأُ بالتغييرْ
الآنَ الآنَ فخيرُ الوقتِ الآنَ يحينْ
بادِرْ واستَبِقْ الخيرَ ستَسعدُ ذاك يقينْ

أعمارُنا أعمالُنا
أعمارُنا أعمالُنا

أعمارُنا أعمالُنا
و بها سَمَتْ أسماؤُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهنا..
أعمارُنا أعمالُنا
و بها سَمَتْ أسماؤُنا
نمضي و تبقى هاهنا...
هاهنا آثارُنا

Maher Zain - A'marona A'malona أعمارنا أعمالنا (English Translation)

Song Lyrics Our Lives are Our Deeds!

Before I fell asleep, a question came to my mind:
If my life was in a scale, how would it be measured?
Is life measured by days or years ?
I pondered, sat and thought about what is mentioned
when people say :
"May so and so rest in peace,
he used to do such and such."
Deeds are all that is remembered.

Our lives are Our deeds,
Through them our names are elevated.
We depart and they're all that remain.
Our lives are Our deeds,
Through them our names are elevated.
We depart and our accomplishments are all that remain.

I won't wait for the opportunity to have pity on me.
I will create it, with fiery determination.
I won't waste my time in blame and admonition.
Many have passed, yet few were remembered when
it's said :
"May so and so rest in peace,
he used to do such and such."
Deeds are all that is remembered.

Our lives are Our deeds,
Through them our names are elevated.
We depart and they're all that remain.
Our lives are Our deeds,
Through them our names are elevated.
We depart and our accomplishments are all that remain.

Our lives are Our deeds,

How beautiful is it to live precious and priceless life !
your feats uplift your days, adorn your years.
don't ask the days, " when I should start to change" ?
now! now! the best time is now.
take the initiative, race against time in pursing good
deeds and you'll find joy, that is certain.
Our lives are Our deeds,
Our lives are Our deeds,

Our lives are Our deeds,
Through them our names are elevated.
We depart and they're all that remain.
Our lives are Our deeds,
Through them our names are elevated.
We depart and our accomplishments
are all that remain.

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